Tahkuranna - as Part of Häädemeeste Rural Municipality (from the end of 2017) is bordered by the city of Pärnu, with the Via Baltica Highway passing through it. As at the beginning of 2017, the Tahkuranna had a population of 2438 people. The number of people in Tahkuranna has continued to grow with the share of working age people comprising 64% of residents.
The centre of Häädemeeste Rural Municipality is located in Uulu. The centre of Pärnu is approximately 15 km from Uulu.
Uulu village covers an area of 6.3 km2 and has around 500 residents (2016) and has all of the necessary public services, including a school, nursery school, local government and the Uulu Industrial Park.
Best known companies in Tahkuranna
Pärnu Bay Golf Links: www.parnubay.com
Lottemaa Theme park: http://lottemaa.ee
Hockey stick manufacturer – Frontier Hockey: www.frontierhockey.com
Bakery Pärnamäed (Latvia):: http://liepkalni.lv/et
Agricultural companies Weiss and Uulu Mõis
Häädemeeste Rural Municipality
Pargi tee 1
Uulu küla 86502
Tahkuranna vald
Email: haademeeste(ätt)haademeeste.ee
Website: http://haademeestevald.kovtp.ee/kontaktid1
Phone: +372 444 8890
Faks: +372 444 8891
Building and Planning
Pärnu general information
Best known companies in Pärnu
Preab AS: www.preab.ee
Textile industry – Wendre: www.wendre.ee
Electronics industry – Scanfil Oy (Finland): www.scanfil.com
Electronics industry – Note AB (Sweden): www.note.eu
Metal industry – AQ Lasertool (Sweden): http://aqg.se
Construction materials – Ruukki Products AS (Finland): www.ruukki.com/